Institute of Continuing Education & Professional Studies

Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Melaka

Institut Pendidikan Berterusan dan Pengajian Profesional (iCEPS)

iCEPS - The Management

Year 1973 - The centre was established by the name of ITM Off-Campus (Kajian Luar Kampus)
Year 1990 - Later, the name was changed to Outdoor Education Center (Pusat Pendidikan Luar) in accordance with the Distance Education Program (Pendidikan Jarak Jauh) offering a new mode of teaching and learning practices.
Year 1996 - Franchise unit established under the Office of External Relations and International.
Year 1998 - The name later was changed to Centre for Continuing Education (Pusat Pendidikan Lanjutan) when elctronic distance learning was first introduced.
Year 1999 - Franchise unit renamed as Joint Programme Unit
Year 2001 - PPL changed to Education Development Centre (EDC) by combining two units consisting of Distance Education Unit and Cooperative Programme Unit.
Year 2002 - The establishment of Short Term Programme Unit
Year 2003 - Education Development Centre was upgraded to Institute of Education Development (Pusat Perkembangan Pendidikan-InED) in line with the educational changes made under Centre for Distance Education (PPJJ), Joint Education Centre (Pusat Pendidikan Usahasama) and the Centre for Continuing Education (Pusat Pendidikan Berterusan)
Year 2009 - Following the decision made from JKE Meeting 5/2009 on February 11th 2009, the management of Off-Campus Study Program (Program pengajian Luar Kampus) was put under the care of iNED. The establishment of PPLK in iNED took place effectively on 1st of July 2009 The administration of PLK began its full operation in second session intake 2009/2010
Year 2011 - UiTM JKE meeting No.16/2011 approved the restructuring of iNED on 1st of July 2011
Year 2012 - UiTM JKE Meeting No.16/2012 & No. 19/2012 on 8th of June 2012 and 30th of July 2012 has given its approval to Institute of Education Development (iNED) as “Strategic Business Unit” UiTM. 
Year 2019 - iNED Rebranding to Institute Of Continuing Education & Professional Studies (Institut Pendidikan Berterusan dan Pengajian Profesional-iCEPS)



Associate Professor


Doctor of Philosophy


Total Lecturer


UiTM Cawangan Melaka : The Entire State Campus

*Data updated on October 2020   |   UiTM Cawangan Melaka Faculty of Business & Management


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